Thursday, February 4, 2010


Broadcast journalism: a recall of events that's interest and concerns the public. Airing news instantaneously including TV, radio, and interest of current events.

What is news? news is what happens throughot the world. It must be curent and mean something to the people.

1. unsualness: news that is ifferent, it defines the unusual.
2.signafigance: important events that effext many people.
3.timliness: the qucikness when news hits the TV.
4.proximity:the closeness that the news is relating to the viewers home.
5.prominence:well known people,bulidings or places.
6.human interest: stories about oridanary people or animals.

What is the difference between print journalism and broadcast journalism ?
1. fuller coverage with print, of multiple stories.
2. Readers are there own editors.
3. Easier to store print.
4 Readers get to choose what they read.
5.Broadcast provides more drama.

Articles With examples of theese:
1.Ashton Kutcher hates valentines day(Prom)
2.Shark kills man at florida(U)
3.DOW pummles 2000 points(S)
4.Brittany Murphey dies(t)
5.Woman charged with stealing from School District(prox)
6.Isiah is a beast(t)

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